What made you apply to Factual Fast Track?
I was approached to apply the Factual Fast Track scheme and after researching the course online, I submitted my application. I saw it as a brilliant opportunity to have formal industry training, mentorships and a paid placement all of which really interested me. At the time of applying, I had a couple of SP credits, but wanted to move my career forward in a positive way – I just wasn’t sure how to do it. Being freelance, I had always moved from contract to contract, and I felt the FFT would help me focus on longer term goals and allow me to progress in the industry – which it did!
What was your biggest takeaway?
I have so many takeaways from being part of the FFT programme!
One of the main ones was how important it is to expand your network, which I hadn’t realised was so important and integral to furthering my career. The course enabled me to have access to commissioners, exec producers and influential figures within the industry that would have felt impossible to me prior to taking part.
Being part of the Scotland and NI cohort allowed me to connect with the most amazing group of people – we were all in this together and could offer each other support or advice when needed. To have the support of such a great peer group during the course and afterwards is so important!
How did the Factual Fast Track programme help with your career?
The programme has been a huge help – it has allowed me focus on where I want to be in my career and given me the confidence to get there and make it happen. With support from two fantastic mentors, Ceri Aston from Multistory Media and Vivienne Molokwu from CH4, I now have an extended network that I simply wouldn’t have if I hadn’t taken part in the scheme. The paid placement was a huge incentive for me to apply to be part of the programme and it hasn’t disappointed. I have now been with the same company for almost a year in an Exec role, which wasn’t something I’d anticipated before taking part in FFT.
What advice would you give someone applying for Factual Fast Track Scotland and Northern Ireland?
Without a doubt, go for it! If you have a hunger to learn and progress your TV career, this is a great programme to be part of. You will only get out of it what you put in so be prepared to invest your time, and make the most of every minute. Take advantage of every training opportunity that arises and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and network! Make the most of your mentors – they are there to help, encourage and support and can offer unparalleled, objective advice to help you achieve your goals.
Are you interested in this programme or do you have any questions about our courses?
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