rad Cymru Wales is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who would love to work in television but hasn’t been able to find a way in or has faced a barrier to entry.
Whether that barrier has been through race, disability or economic background – rad was created to dissolve those barriers.
It’s time to forget the ‘who you know’ rule – we want to know you!
What’s more, our host production companies are dedicated to supporting you throughout the programme. You’ll also have team TRC on hand to support you throughout the whole experience – we’ll be there to steer you through.

Applications are now closed

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So what is rad?
rad Cymru Wales is a paid traineeship within a Welsh independent television production company which includes full training throughout the placement.
The programme is aimed at those who are underrepresented in the TV industry: those either with a disability, from black, Asian or ethnic minority communities or from disadvantaged backgrounds.
For more information about each role, please see our rad roles and key skills info sheet or alternatively have a look at the relevant job profile on the ScreenSkills website.
The traineeship will continue within government COVID-19 guidelines, as both TRC and the host TV production companies are committed to delivering the programme and supporting the trainees. Please note, some working from home may be required.
Please read our Application Guidelines and our rad roles and key skills info sheet before submitting your application.
Fancy a chat?
Email projectmanager@trcmedia.org with any burning questions you might have and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. In addition, if you require support to complete the application process we’re more happy to help, just get in touch.
rad Cymru Wales is a training course where candidates will be paid to work full time during a placement with a Welsh TV production company. TRC will also be on hand throughout the placement to provide support and specific training to help boost each trainee’s career.
The traineeship is aimed at groups who are typically under-represented in the TV industry: those either with a disability, from black, Asian or ethnic minority communities or from disadvantaged backgrounds. Candidates must be over 18, but there is no upper age limit, meaning that it is open to those considering a career change or returning to work.
If you identify being from a disadvantaged background, please think about this to inform your answer: The BFI considers someone who has experienced reduced opportunities, due to their level of income, and/or education as disadvantaged. You should explain why you consider yourself to be from lower socio-economic background (i.e. single parent household, care, education, refugee/asylum status, poverty, receive benefits/tax credits, carer).
To apply for rad Cymru Wales, please fill out this form.
The role will be a fixed term contract till May 2024.
The salary is based on the Real Living Wage which is £10.90 per hour.
All successful candidates will be given a contract from their employer which will outline the terms and conditions of employment.
The role includes monthly training sessions which are a mixture of in person and online. Attendance to these sessions will be included in your contract (so you will not need to take unpaid leave or holidays to attend). The purpose of this training is to help strengthen your knowledge and skills in TV production. All the training has been specifically designed to help you become more confident and knowledgeable in key roles over the training period.
We’re especially keen to hear from individuals from groups who are underrepresented in the TV industry: those either with a disability, from black, Asian or ethnic minority communities or from disadvantaged backgrounds as rad was specifically created to make the Welsh TV industry more diverse. If you identify as belonging to one of these communities then you are eligible to apply for the programme.
A disability is if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities, this definition is taken from the Equality Act 2010. For further information visit: https://www.gov.uk/definition-of-disability-under-equality-act-2010
Disadvantage can cover those that experience a higher risk of poverty, social exclusion, discrimination and violence than the general population. The BFI considers someone who has experienced reduced opportunities, due to their level of income, and/or education as disadvantaged. (e.g., single parent household, care, education, refugee/asylum status, poverty, low income, receive benefits/tax credits, carer). The Office for National Statistics also includes the following categories in their understanding of individuals who have experienced disadvantage: disabled people, lone parents, ethnic minorities, people aged over 50, the lowest qualified and those living in the most deprived areas. For further information visit: https://eige.europa.eu/rdc/thesaurus/terms/1083.
You don’t need a degree or any qualifications to be eligible for rad Cymru Wales, we are interested in your potential and passion.
No, we are specifically looking for people who are not already working in the TV industry. You just need to be passionate about TV. We are looking for people with an enthusiasm and demonstrable interest in working in TV. However, if you’ve already had more than six months continuous paid employment in the TV industry, you may be over-qualified for the scheme. rad should be your first step into the television industry and is designed to help kick-start your career in TV. If you aren’t sure whether you qualify please get in touch with us by email at projectmanager@trcmedia.org and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
rad is intended to kick-start your career in television so if you’ve already had considerable experience (more than six months, fully-paid) then rad might not be for you. If you aren’t sure whether you qualify please get in touch with us by email at projectmanager@trcmedia.org and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Yes, you might be re-entering the workforce after time off, or maybe you’ve had a period of redundancy, or were unable to get a start in the subject you studied after school, college or university. As long as you permanently reside in the UK and have the right to work here then you can apply.
You cannot be in full time education when the role starts.
No. You must be available to continue working full time during the duration of the traineeship until May 2024. If your application is successful and we subsequently discover you are planning to be in full-time education, we will revoke your offer.
No. The rad programme is about finding talented people who want to work behind the scenes, helping to develop TV programmes. It’s not about launching your presenting or acting career. Please do not apply if this is your career goal.
If you’re interested in being involved in research for production companies and are happy working on other people’s projects first, then yes, you can definitely apply. If you’d rather just work on your own scripts, then rad is not for you.
Candidates must be over 18, but there is no upper age limit, meaning that it is open to those considering a career change or returning to work. You can apply to rad if you are 17 but you MUST have turned 18 by the start of the programme.
Yes, you can apply as long as you permanently reside in the UK and have the right to work here.
Anyone living in the UK (outside of London) can apply, you will have to be able to prove that you are able to move to Wales by the start of the programme in order to take part in rad. There are no expenses to cover relocation so only apply if you are willing and able to move to Wales before the role starts.
If you require extra support to complete your application form we will offer one-to-one meetings where a member of our team will help you to understand and navigate the application process.
Applicants will be shortlisted and invited to an online interview with the television production company offering the placement and a member of TRC staff.
If you have any special requirements for interview please let us know and we will make suitable arrangements.
If you have any questions please contact TRC.