rad – Interview

Rhiannon Walsh

Rhiannon Walsh was part of the first Rad programme, working as a Trainee Researcher at BBC Studios whilst receiving training from TRC on all the key skills required to become a top TV researcher. Rhiannon spoke to us about her experience on the Rad programme and juggling a career in TV whilst living with M.E. and Fibromyalgia.

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Why Rad?

“Before I applied for the RAD scheme I was working part-time, juggling my health with ways to pay the bills from working in retail, writing and social media marketing. I knew that TV was something I was still wanting to pursue after attending work experience at another production company in Glasgow, but didn’t know quite how to go about it. Just as I gave up all hope, my friend sent me the link to the application and I went on to be involved in the amazing RAD trainee scheme in its debut year, the first of it’s kind in Scotland. The rest is history!”

Working at BBC Studios

“I was lucky enough to be taken on as a researcher within BBC Studios where I worked in both development and production and got to try my hand at writing treatments, editing casting tapes and even recruiting contributors for gut bacteria tests (who said working in TV was glamorous?) I got to get a glimpse of all the work that goes into making a TV show, long before a camera is even picked up and was honoured to work within factual, factual entertainment and science departments to see just how differently each sector runs; from budgets to target audiences.

Despite not completing the course up until the very end date due to health reasons, the scheme still provided me with amazing opportunities and support along the way. I feel much more confident in knowing what exactly a researcher does and more importantly, I have acquired the skills to do exactly what a researcher does. I have gained confidence throughout the scheme, both in my personal and professional life – in the TV world and my freelance realm. I’ve chatted the ears off contributors, presented, pitched, read copious amounts of medical journals, delved into the weird and wonderful trends of our time, sifted through the nitty-gritty of celebrities lives, came up with ideas, sent and received more emails than I could probably count, gained an insight into what people want to see and what commissioners want to put money into, and learnt a hell of a lot about myself and the industry in the process.”

On-the-job support

“During my time both at BBC and throughout the workshops at TRC I felt supported, catered for and most importantly listened to as someone who tends to have more requirements than most when it comes to access, mobility and energy levels. I felt that happy medium of being ‘seen’ but not patronised by TRC, which unfortunately isn’t always the case. Doing this scheme has even allowed me to fine-tune my own boundaries and expectations of a workplace when it hires someone with a disability and has actually helped me improve how I navigate having long-term illnesses in all areas of my life.

On top of this, nothing seemed too much trouble or too complicated for Project Co-ordinator Caroline to deal with and she provided a listening ear throughout the whole process whenever we required it, from frantic emails on my part to our monthly sit-down catch-ups.”

New connections

“Finally, I think one of my favourite things about the scheme was getting to start my career with 7 other like-minded people at the beginning of their TV journey. I can’t think what I would have done without the group-chats, drinks and decompressions about work, life and everything in between. It feels great to be one of the first on the RAD ride with such brilliant and talented people and having contacts at various companies around Scotland will no doubt benefit many of us in time to come.

The TRC RAD scheme has not only left me with the knowledge, know-how and ambition to start a career in television but 7 amazing new pals to continue that journey with!”

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rad is an original training concept by TRC.

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