Record-breaking year for Special Edition

Special Edition applications for 2019/20 are officially closed (as of 23.59 last night!) We’ve received a record number of applications this year for the programme, which has been running annually since 2013.

As with every year, the calibre of this year’s applications looks to be tremendously high and highlights the wealth of talented women working within Scotland’s digital and technology sector.

Unfortunately, women are still underrepresented in the boardrooms of Scotland’s digital businesses. We created Special Edition to address this imbalance and designed a professional development programme that tackles many of the issues women come up against in their career progression in this sector.

We’d like to thank everyone who submitted an application, who recommended the programme to a colleague or contact, who wrote a statement of support, who retweeted the news about Special Edition and helped us reach so many inspiring women.

Now, the hard work begins. We’ll be reviewing applications and contacting all candidates early next week, with interviews for shortlisted candidates on the 12th and 14th of August.

Find out more about Special Edition.