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Latest News

rad Cymru Wales 2022 host companies

We are excited to reveal the Welsh production companies hosting trainees for this year's rad Cymru Wales traineeship.

rad Scotland 2022 host companies

We are excited to reveal the Scottish production companies that will be hosting trainees in this year’s rad Scotland Traineeship.

TRC launches rad Cymru Wales to support next generation of diverse TV talent

TRC, in partnership with BBC, Channel 4, Creative Wales and S4C, is set to launch a new training programme programme...

rad Scotland returns for third year

rad Scotland 2022 offers an eight-month paid placement with a Scottish production company with monthly training sessions provided by TRC to help kick-start careers in television.

Marc Harvey: my rad2021 experience

Read Marc Harvey's guest blog below on his experience of rad2021. rad2021 began in April 2021 and will complete in December 2021.

Meet the Delegates: rad 2021

We asked our rad 2021 trainees to tell us a little bit about themselves. Hear from each of our 12 trainees below.

rad welcomes record number of applicants from diverse backgrounds

We have launched our TV traineeship rad for the second year in a row with a 41% increase in applications.

Meet the Rad Class of 2019

It seems like only yesterday that we launched Rad: our new researcher training programme for people starting out their career in television.