SuperSizer – Case Study

David Kerr

David Kerr joined SuperSizer whilst working as a Senior Development Producer at Tern TV.

What made you apply to SuperSizer?

I was at a stage in my career where I was progressing into a Development Executive role and looking to upskill in many different areas – from management, facilitating brainstorms, pitching, international distribution and much more. The SuperSizer course gave me the opportunity to learn about all of that and so much more and get me ready for the role.

What was your biggest takeaway?

I had loads of great takeaways on the course – the best thing about it was meeting the rest of the fellow cohort and learning from them and hearing about their experiences in the industry. I think we’ll stay in touch for a long time and help each other throughout our careers. Beyond that, I learned new brainstorming techniques, how to better carry myself in a pitch and how to develop my ideas further beyond a starter thought. It was such a useful course to be part of and I feel incredibly lucky. It came at the perfect time in my career.

How did the SuperSizer programme help with your career?

In the short term it has definitely helped me grow my commissioner contact base and I’ve got a really good relationship with Channel 5 now coming out the back of the Ben Frow pitching day. Beyond that, I’ve used brainstorming techniques learned on the course to secure funded development for a Channel 4 Entertainment idea that came out the back of it. Long-term, I will carry the knowledge and skills I learned on with me through the rest of my career.

What advice would you give someone applying for SuperSizer?

I’d say, go for it! You won’t regret it. Even if you think you don’t need a course on how to development, you’re always going to have more to learn. Hearing the opinions and expertise of people in the industry and even the coaches who are external to the industry offers you a unique and alternative perspective to your current way of thinking. It is so valuable and I recommend it 100%.

SuperSizer is an original training concept by TRC.

SuperSizer is funded by BBC Nations and Regions, Channel 4 and Screen Scotland.